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What is it?

Project estimation and knowledge management software to

"Estimate your projects by entering reusable data, formulas and statistics as you estimate."


Benefit: You will save 2 to 3 times the time to estimate the precise costs of your projects

Save $10,000 to $20,000 per full-time estimator

  • $50,000 gross salary x 1.2 in fringe benefits x 40% of the time spent searching for information and calculating estimates x 0.5 savings factor = $12,000 in savings

  • Not to mention the accuracy of your estimates

Save $3,000 to $6,000 per full-time project manager with our future project manager

  • $60,000 gross salary x 1.2 in fringe benefits x 10% of the time to search for bid information and recalculate material orders x 0.5 savings factor = $3,600 savings

  • That's why we need to get each subcontractor used to have their own project management portal.

The real benefits for your company

  • Better rate of winning contracts by a better accuracy of your estimates

  • Better knowledge of your market

  • Better profitability of your contracts

  • Knowledge transfer

The need

See how much time is wasted on each project:

  • Rewrite the same descriptions;

  • Research prices;

  • Update the Excel submission template and prices;

  • Recalculate the same formulas on the calculator or in Excel;

  • Recheck our formulas, our calculations if we did not make a mistake and if we did not forget anything;

  • Managing errors, since there is no guarantee that the formulas will be altered.

The solution

Estimate your projects by entering data, formulas and statistics that can be reused over time.


  • It is the most flexible (Essential to the elaboration of your project structures according to the calculation methods of your estimates)

  • It is the only one that allows you to establish multi-level assemblies on an unlimited number of levels (Essential to lighten the maintenance of your assemblies)

  • It is the only one that allows you to establish formulas with intelligent recognition of the units (Essential to the reliability of your formulas regardless of the units chosen)

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